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United Synthetic R&O Compressor Oil ISO 32, 46, 68, 100

United Synthetic R&O Compressor Oils are full-synthetic, non-detergent oils formulated to deliver excellent anti-wear performance in single- and multi-stage rotary screw, vane and reciprocating compressors and certain vacuum pumps. These oils are formulated to provide up to an 8,000-hour drain interval in rotary screw compressors (at a 200 Degree F discharge temperature). These oils are not recommended for "breathing air" or refrigeration compressors. 

  • Protects at high temperatures while providing excellent cold-temperature start-up efficiency and lubrication
  • Resists foam for reliable protection
  • High tolerance for water
  • Designed to reduce leaks and extend seal life
  • Ashless anti-wear additives and mild EP performance deliver excellent protection
  • Non-corrosive to copper (yellow metals)

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